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You’re Running Out Of Time! Stop Getting The Same Comment Twice!

If your end goal is to make a World Class DCI and/or WGI drumline by the time you age out, you don’t have as much time as you think. The competition is fierce in the top groups. Instructors value high performance excellence, but they also expect steady individual improvements.

To stay above the curve, you cannot afford the luxury of receiving the same comment twice.  

Unlike with other types of musical activities, DCI and WGI have a specified age limit. What this means for you is that every day that goes by that you don't make an improvement is a wasted day you’ll never get back. This is why it’s critical to ensure you're making meaningful and measurable progress towards your goals.   If you’ve received the same comment from your drumline instructor on more than one occasion, keep reading… You must understand if you’re getting the same comment on a regular basis, this is the number one thing you must focus on. You won’t be able to progress and receive new information until this critical area has been improved upon. You must make it your number one priority to check this nagging comment off the list for several reasons.  

  1. Those who can quickly implement and retain changes usually do so in an audition setting. (You can get a comment at audition and make the change stick immediately.  Your competition will struggle here)

  2. The faster you adapt to comments, the sooner you’ll get new things to work on.

  3. You’ll challenge yourself. When you get a comment it’s easy to smile and nod but not do anything. Challenge yourself to focus on making the change.

  4. You’ll increase your awareness. Most comments are not fixed quickly because the player does not perceive the comment to be as severe as his or her instructor might make it seem. You’re either in comment denial or unaware it’s an issue. Either way, you need to make sure you’re aware of what you're doing and how its looks from an outside perspective.

So what are some ways to implement these changes quickly?

  1. Focus on one comment at a time. Suggested blog: The Tape Trick

  2. Devote 80% of your practice time to focusing what you're trying to fix. Suggested blog: The 80/20 Rule

  3. Use any available tool that helps increase your awareness.  Metronomes, mirrors and video recording devices can change the way you perceive how you look or sound. Suggested blog: Practice Environment

Don’t allow yourself to waste time and receive the same comment multiple times. There’s more valuable information that your instructor has. Make it your main priority and tell yourself that you’ll only receive each comment once. The faster you can do this, the faster you will get better and give yourself a worthy shot at the group you’ve always wanted to march.

Author: John McClean

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