If you missed Part 1 of this blog, you can find it here: The Section Leader's Role - Part 1 From my experience as a player and teacher, the section leader has a substantial influence on an ensemble’s success. I want to focus on 2 factors: Capability and Execution. 1. Capability - There is often a correlation between the strongest players in the ensemble and the leaders of the group. Though the section leader may not be the best player in the ensemble, they need to be a ROCK the rest of the ensemble can trust for tempo, rhythm, sound, and consistency. A great leader challenges the rest of the ensemble to match their practice and rehearsal etiquette so the ensemble continues to progress. A great leader pushes the limits of an ensemble and establishes a legacy for the ensemble to meet after they leave.
Example 1: Jeremy Somers was the quad section leader of La Quinta High School in 2005. He pushed the boundaries of modern day high school quad drumming and challenged his younger classmen to sustain this level of excellence. Jeremy went on to march with top world class ensembles. The next 4 quad players at La Quinta followed suit and went on to drum for Blue Devils, RCC, and Blue Coats.
Example 2: Warren Taylor was the snare section leader of Patriot High School 2009-2010. He constantly challenged his younger snare peers to perform at his level. Warren went on to march with top world class ensembles. The next 3 Patriot section leaders followed suit and went on to drum for Blue Devils, RCC, Crown, and Pulse.
2. Execution - The best drumline leaders know how to perform when it counts. They can play under pressure and ensure the rest of the drumline has the right mindset before a performance. If things go wrong (which occurs often in any live music event), they know how to think clearly and make decisions. A section leader must trust their instincts and be decisive, for the sake of the group. These two traits will help you be a great leader in any avenue in life. Gain excellence in your craft and perform confidently. If you are the section leader of your drumline, be the hardest worker in the group. Challenge yourself. Challenge your peers. Govern with a humble heart. Strive for excellence. Build your legacy.
Author: Matthew Regua